Portal Genius 2024.2 is available
Versie 2024.2 of Portal Genius is available and contains several small updates. The main change is support for .net 8 instead of .net 7.
Portal Genius 2023.2 available

Portal Genius 2023.2 is available for download at https://www.portalgenius.app. This release includes the following new functionality: – checks for availability of public WMS and WFS services used in a web map – Portal Buddy extension extended with an webmap url editing tool The system requirements of Portal Genius 2023.2 are updated as well to .Net7.
Portal Genius 2023.1 available

Many new functionalities available in the new release of Portal Genius. Highlights of Portal Genius 2023.1 – introduction Buddy Extension – support dependencies for WebExperiences and Dashboards – additional information about groups – information about settings of services like instance mode – new options to use Portal Genius from the command line – export of […]
Portal Genius 2022.2 is out

Today the latest version of Portal Genius was released. The 2022.2-release offers you a lot of new functionality. Highlights are: improved visualization of graphs improved relationship management option to schedule automatic data updates Download the software here under ‘Product Features’. You want some more insights? Request a trial license or a demo session to experience […]
Portal Genius helpt bij overzichtelijk beheer – en

Zo’n drie jaar geleden stapte Waterschap Rijn en IJssel over van ArcGIS Online naar een ArcGIS Enterprise-omgeving. Het nieuwe platform zou binnen de organisatie gebruikt gaan worden als selfservice-platform, waar gebruikers zelf zaken in kunnen publiceren. Hierbij kwam de vraag hoe het beheer van het platform zo inzichtelijk mogelijk kon worden ingericht. Tamara van der […]